Dry Eye Syndrome


We have all experienced dry eye syndrome at least once. Here you can read about the causes, treatment and prevention ways of dry eye.

At first, it is better to know what dry eye syndrome is and how it can occur. Dry eye syndrome, or Intense Pulsed Light (IPL), is a common eye disease, which occurs in 5 to 15 percent of today's societies.

In more than 80% of the dry eye sufferers, dry eye is caused by an imbalance or dysfunction of the tear film and its inadequate lipid composition. The tear film is generally composed of three important components:

1. The mucous layer secreted mainly by the conjunctival goblet cells.

2. The aqueous tear layer is produced by the lacrimal glands.

3. The lipid layer is formed from lipids secreted by meibomian glands of the eyelid.

Meibomian Gland Dysfunction (MGD) is a very common disease that causes excess evaporation of the tear film, resulting in a burning or itching eyes or feeling something in the eye (foreign body sensation) as well as eyelid inflammation and redness. In its advanced stage, MGD may lead to anatomic changes such as acinar atrophy and resorption of meibomian glands, superficial infection of the eye and eventually corneal surface ulcers.

E-Eye is a medical device that has been specifically designed for treating dry eye syndrome due to MGD. There is one E-Eye device in Motahari Noor Subspecialty Clinic, which is used to diagnose dry eye symptoms and treat dry eye syndrome.

The E-Eye emits “cold light” pulses of 600 to 950 nm uniformly and continuously, which softens and releases the stiff lipid of the meibomian glands and prevents the accumulation of lipid in the meibomian glands. This process ultimately reduces the symptoms of dryness and inflammation of the eyelid. This method (IPL therapy) in addition to reducing the symptoms and prevent the progression of dry eye disease, is used to treat skin rosacea, sun damage, acne scars, skin bruising, blemishes, and to rejuvenate the skin. In fact, IPT therapy proliferates collagen protein and diminishes the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

Depending on the severity of dry eye, after the first series of IPL therapy, it is necessary to maintain and follow up the treatment. It is also sometimes recommended that you use punctual plugs or other medications according to your doctor order.

If you experience any of dry eye symptoms such as itching eye, eye irritation, redness, or foreign body sensation, you can use the following remedies:

The traditional treatment for dry eye is to wash the eyes with lukewarm water: First mix a small amount of baby shampoo in lukewarm water, massage the eyelids with this solution, scrub back and forth along the eyelids, especially at the edge where the eyelashes grow. Then, rinse gently but thoroughly with plain tap water. Washing eyelids with warm water and baby shampoo, in addition to cleansing the eyelids, by stimulating the lacrimal glands, helps to release some of the oil in your eyelids' glands, improves the quality of your tears, and reduces dry eye symptoms after a while.

Today there are various lubricating eye drops for the reduction of dry eye symptoms, including artificial tears and single-use disposable artificial tears. Note that disposable artificial tear drops are more compatible with the eye due to the lack of preservatives and can be used by anyone without worry. If you have severe dry eye symptoms, be sure to see an ophthalmologist. In this case, other medications and dry eye gel can greatly control and treat your dry eye.