Advantages, Disadvantages and Complications of PRK/LASEK:
• Post-Operative Eye Pain and Discomfort: In some cases, there is a possibility of considerable (tangible) eye pain and persistence eye discomfort for 3-5 days after surgery.
• Full Visual Recovery: Full visual recovery from PRK/LASEK surgery takes several months after surgery.
• Possibility of Post-Operative Infection: there is a very low possibility of post-operative infection usually within the first 3-4 days after surgery.
• Possibility of Displacement of the Corneal Flap: there is no possibility of flap displacement in PRK/LASEK procedures.
• Swimming Restriction: There is a swimming restriction of up to one month after PRK/LASEK procedures.
• Returning to Daily Activities: Most patients can return to their daily activities 3-5 days after surgery, but if your job needs sharp vision for detail, such as a surgeon, a bank employee, an accountant, etc., the recovery period will be longer.
Advantages, Disadvantages and Complications of Femto-LASIK Surgery:
• Post-Operative Eye Pain and Discomfort: After Femto-LASIK surgery, there is minimal discomfort for most people. It usually is not felt more than 2 hours.
• Full Visual Recovery: Most patients have a good vision after surgery.
• Possibility of Post-Operative Infection: There is a very low possibility of post-operative infection after Femto-LASIK surgery.
• Possibility of Displacement of the Corneal Flap: There is a very low possibility of flap displacement.
• Swimming Restriction: There is a swimming restriction of up to one month after Femto-Lasik surgery.
• Returning to Daily Activities: One day after surgery, the patient can return to the normal daily activity.
Advantages, Disadvantages and Complications of Femto-SMILE Surgery:
• Post-Operative Eye Pain and Discomfort: After Femto-SMILE surgery, there is minimal discomfort for most people. It usually is not felt more than 2 hours.
• Full Visual Recovery: The Visual recovery after Femto-SMILE is significantly longer as compared to other LASIK procedures.
• Possibility of Post-Operative Infection: There is minimal possibility of infection after Femto-SMILE surgery.
• Possibility of Displacement of the Corneal Flap: There is no possibility of flap displacement.
• Swimming Restriction: There is a swimming restriction of up to one month after Femto-SMILE surgery.
• Returning to Daily Activities: the patient can return to the normal daily activity 2 days after surgery.