Children's Clinic


Children have unique and different characteristics. They have different needs from adults in terms of illnesses, examinations and desires, which should be treated in accordance with the principles. A pediatric ophthalmologist carries out examinations in a safe environment considering children's comfort.


Considering the lack of children's specialty clinics in the field of ophthalmology, Tehran Noor Eye Hospital has started the establishment of a specialty clinic for children. Typically, a pediatric eye examination takes, 2-3 times more than an adult eye examination because the ophthalmologist at the children's clinic of Noor Eye Hospital first plays with the child and performs an examination during the game, so much time is spent. This requires pediatric ophthalmologists to have the necessary communication skills and enough time.


A child is under the supervision of a qualified treatment team from the moment of entering the subspecialty clinic of Noor Eye Hospital and the following steps are taken:

1. Acceptance

2. Opticians examinations

3. Ophthalmologist examinations

It should be noted that some examinations are multi-stage and the various parts of a child's eye, such as the retina, the anterior and posterior chamber, the degree of strabismus, and eye power should be carefully measured in order to obtain the best result from the treatment.

In the specialty children's clinic of Noor Eye Hospital, all these steps are carefully performed and in addition, the nerve and all eye structures of the child are carefully examined.


The children's clinic of Noor Eye Hospital is composed of several specialty departments:

- Amblyopia (lazy eye) department

- Low vision department

- Strabismus department

- Surgery department

* Attention: In the children's clinic of Noor Eye Hospital, children and their families will not wander around the city and country and only will move between the floors and departments of the clinic.


* Visit and Appointment: Please call 02182400 for advice and appointment, and share your questions with our experts. Importantly, the cost of a visit to a children's clinic is no different from the cost of other professionals and is in accordance with approved governmental tariffs.