Unlike contact lenses that always need care and maintenance, intraocular lenses are permanent with no need to daily care. Tehran-Iran Noor Eye Hospital is one of the first medical centers in the country to perform intraocular lens implantation.
Features of Intraocular Lenses
- Biocompatibility of intaocular lenses materials with the human eye
- Adoptive optics of simulation of intaocular lenses
- Mechanical ompatibility of intaocular lenses materials with the human eye
- Extremely high flexibility
Common Types of Intraocular Lenses
Monofocal or Single-Focal Lenses
These types of lenses reduce or permanently eliminate the need for glasses to correct distance vision. However, monofocal lens wearers will need eyeglasses for reading.
Multifocal Lenses
The need for glasses is reduced or eliminated in people who wear these lenses, both for distance and near visions.
Toric Lenses for Astigmatism
Astigmatism causes distance or near vision to be blurred or distorted to some degree at all distances. In people with astigmatism, the cornea is not round and regular; it is often egg-shaped which has different radii of curvature in the vertical and horizontal planes. These lenses are a good choice for correcting or reducing the astigmatism.
Note: By implanting toric lenses in cataract surgery in patients with astigmatism, in addition to myopia and hyperopia, astigmatism is also corrected in most cases. Therefore, the patient does not usually need to wear distance glasses after the surgery.
Aspheric Lenses
With these lenses, a better contrast is created in the image, which results in a better visibility.
Blue light Filtering Ophthalmic Lenses
These lenses block out high-energy blue light, ultraviolet rays. These two spectra of light are present in natural and artificial light; thus they increase the quality of vision and protect natural visual system against ultraviolet rays.