Causes of Ptosis (dropping of the upper eyelid) in children and its treatment

Dropping of the upper eyelid, or in the term "ptosis", may be mild (the eyelid droops only slightly), moderate or sever so that the eyelid covers the pupil or eye entirely. In some cases, ptosis can restrict and even block normal vision. Drooping of the upper eyelid sometimes affects one eye or both eyelids. It can be inherited. Sometimes ptosis is present at birth; in other cases it occurs later at an older age. Ptosis which is present at the birth is called "congenital ptosis". If a child is born with moderate to severe Ptosis, this may require immediate treatment for the developmen of vision.

Congenital ptosis often occurs due to the improper development of the levator muscle. Although ptosis is usually a distinct isolated disorder, in congenital cases, it may be signal the presence of other disorders, including ocular motility disorders, extraocular muscle dysfunction, eyelid tumors, or other deep orbital tumors, neurological disorders, and refractive errors. It should be reminded that the disease does not usually improve over time.

 Ptosis symptoms

The most common symptom of ptosis in children is drooping of the upper eyelids. In congenital ptosis, there is often asymmetry of the eyelid creases. Children with ptosis may also tip their neck back frequently in an effort to see underneath the drooping lid, or raise their eyebrows a lot to try to lift up their lids. These head and face movements indicate that the child is trying to use both eyes. After several years, the abnormal head condition may lead to head and neck disorders.

In addition to the tips mentioned, Ptosis can lead to lazy eye due to two causes: first, the obstruction of the visual field in severe cases of Ptosis, and second astigmatism and blurred vision resulting from it. It is likely that a child with Strabismus (crossed eyes) isn't diagnosed and the problem is hidden due to Ptosis. In this situation Strabismus leads to lazy eye.

Treatment for Ptosis in children

 Surgery usually is the best treatment for drooping eyelids. If Lazy eye is diagnosed at the same time , it may be necessary to cover up the healthy eye with an eye patch or gauze or use eye glasses or eye drops. An ophthalmologist monitors and prescribes the appropriate surgical procedure based on the child's age, Ptosis in one or both eyelids, Ptosis severity, the strength of the muscles which are responsible for lifting and lowering the eyelids and eye movements .

Do not forget that for children with Ptosis regular ophthalmologic examinations in the first years of life are important for the prevention and treatment of probable lazy eye. As mentioned above, dropping of the upper eyelid in children and even adults can be treated by surgery and this surgery can, in addition to correcting the appearance, improve the eyesight of the person.