As you may know, the most common problems in infants and children – apart from amblyopia and visual acuity – are eye diseases such as allergy, dryness, redness, and itching, which fall into two types: one appears in the spring, known as spring allergy, and some appear during the year, particularly in fall and winter, called annual allergies.
Eye needs a good lacrimal system for cleaning allergens, but it is not usually good in children and in some parts is weaker than normal. Air pollution causes the eyes of infants and children react more to allergenic symptoms than adults.
In particular, mechanisms of allergenicity include pollutants deposited on the eye surface make children’s eyes sensitive to them. The next problem is the mildly dry eye. When the eyes become dry, the tears lose their washing and cleaning powers and allergens remain in the eyes, so they show more severe reactions.
Recommendation: Do not take children out as much as possible in fall and winter when the air is polluted, until conditions become normal. They had better stay indoors and avoid opening windows as much as possible. Moreover, there should be enough moisture in the house.
Children had better use tablets, mobiles and computers less in this season to avoid dry eyes. If their eyes are red or itchy, or they feel severe dryness, they severely rub their eyes or blink frequently; they should visit an ophthalmologist.